Jan 2017

EMKAY Working to Sustain Environment

We are very proud to announce that EMKAY is now Green-e Energy Certified! This rating signifies the fact that EMKAY’s corporate headquarters is now using 100% renewable electric energy, specifically wind energy. In short, EMKAY has purchased Renewable Energy Certificates to cover every kilowatt hour (KWh) of electricity we use. Per the Green-e website:

Green-e is the nation’s leading independent consumer protection program for the sale of renewable energy and greenhouse gas reductions in the retail market. Green-e offers certification and verification of renewable energy and greenhouse gas mitigation products.

At EMKAY we understand the importance of corporate sustainability and protecting the environment whenever possible. In addition to this initiative we also use energy efficient lighting throughout the building, have done away with all paper cups in lieu of reusable water bottles, offer carbon neutral programs to our customers, and continually increase our recycling efforts.

EMKAY Fleet Management Company